What’s the MOST Effective Way to Increase Disability Awareness?

celebrating who we are disability awareness disability education Oct 10, 2019
Two women shopping in a market with text:  The message is, the most effective disability awareness is you getting out in the world and living your life. Everything from chasing your biggest dream to the mundane of grocery shopping.

Grocery shop.

Yes, that is indeed my answer.

I know, I am the one who loves to give trainings and presentations on theories, approaches, and strategies for helping others understand the value of people of all abilities.

At the end of the day, though, and sometimes literally at the end of the day, I in the produce section with my child in tow do the most effective disability awareness.

October is Disability Awareness Month, along with a number of other “awareness celebrations” of specific disabilities.

In highlighting Disability Awareness, I’d like to offer a simple recommendation that is the most effective way I know to increase awareness.

Why? Because it shows me out there, living my life, doing my thing, figuring out dinner just like you.

Whether it’s cerebral palsy, autism, intellectual disability, spina bifida, or whatever makes you diverse, we all need milk, bread, eggs, and that bag of M&M’s we feel guilty about eating.

Of course grocery shopping is the metaphor here. The message is the most effective disability awareness is you getting out in the world and living your life, everything from chasing your biggest dream to the mundane like grocery shopping.

You doing life is the greatest expression that contributes to advancing disability awareness. 

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