$290.00 USD

Every year

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Dating Made Easier Annual Membership

Join Dating Made Easier

A monthly membership that will teach you dating and relationship skills that will transform you and your dating journey in the following areas: 

Increased Dating Self-Esteem 

Learn how to identify your unique Power to Attract the dating experiences and relationships YOU want. 

Grow Your Confidence 

Develop confidence and achieve your specific dating and relationship goals. 

Learn Skills to Keep Relationships: 

Gain the skills in communication, problem-solving, and being authentic in relationships. 

The Support You'll Receive: 

  • Monthly workshops on dating skills and challenges.
  • Monthly brainstorming sessions to work through dating issues.
  • Additional resource guides to help you apply dating skills.
  • Networking meeting for group members to connect and work on communication skills. 

Refund Policy

 With the annual subscription, there is no refund. I ask people to commit to working the program for two months because normal fears and discomforts can arise that can lead to powerful results when they are worked through. If you’re not satisfied with the program after that, I convert your balance into a customized consulting plan.